Sme jediná agentúra a prevádzkovate námorných zájazdov, ktorý osobne kontroluje lode, kapitánov a ponúkané dovolenkové balíky. Tím BeBlue sa plaví po celý rok, každý rok, po celom svete.
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Rent a BoatBezpeèné ceny a transparentné návrhy: žiadne neférové klauzuly ani zlé prekvapenia! Cestovná asistencia, poistenie a 24/7 podpora nášho tímu.
Dovolenkový balík urèený na oddych, zábavu alebo ponorenie do dobrodružstva. Èo oèakávate od najbližšej dovolenky? Be Blue má pre vás riešenie!
Vaša dovolenka je od vás vzdialená len 5 kliknutí. Jasné a úplné informácie: navštívte naše zájazdy a zistite, aké ahké je cestova s BeBlue.
Námorné míle, srdce, so, vietor a vášeò! Úžasný tím skúsených námorníkov, ktorí sú vždy plne vyškolení, jednoducho èakajú, aby vás mohli bezpeène sprevádza na akomkovek mori.
Aktualizované zoznamy a plachetnice testované našimi najlepšími kapitánmi. Na akúko¾vek vašu potrebu odpovieme správnou loïou pre vás!
Vyberáme najlepšie lode na všetkých moriach sveta
Naša práca a odhodlanie vychádzajú zo silnej vášne pre plachtenie a more. Preto vám môžeme ponúknu plavbu na plachetnici alebo katamaráne kdeko¾vek na svete. V Taliansku, od Sardínie po Sicíliu, v Salente alebo pozdåž pobrežia Tyrhénskeho mora.
Za hranicami ponúkame výlety a plavby na lodiach do Chorvátska, Grécka, Španielska, Karibského mora, Polynézie, severnej Európy, Thajska a mnohých ïalších destinácií.
Pozrite si webovú stránku “Destinations” a zistite, odkia¾ vypláva vaša ïalšia plavba s priate¾mi alebo s rodinou. Máme riešenia pre každú potrebu, od klasického prenájmu plachetnice alebo katamaránu s kapitánom alebo bez neho až po najexkluzívnejší výlet: výber je na vás.
Vybrané pre vás
Plavte sa okolo sveta
Vyberte si najvhodnejšiu
Požiadajte o ponuku na mieru
Vyberte si spomedzi našich mnohých destinácií tú, ktorú uprednostňujete pre svoju plavbu a odíďte na dovolenku svojich snov
4.83 založené na 939 recenzie
(Translated by Google) First experience on a sailing boat that made me fall in love with sailing! Surely helped by the excellent skipper Alessandro (both for navigation and relationship) and his wonderful boat. Everything Top! (Original) Prima esperienza in Barca a Vela che mi ha fatto innamorare della Vela! Sicuramente aiutato dall’ottimo skipper Alessandro (sia per navigazione che relazione) e dalla sua stupenda barca. Tutto Top!
Lorenzo Doris
(Translated by Google) #parties (Original) #partiti
Davide Azzalini
(Translated by Google) Excellent organization, young, friendly and helpful staff, as well as very prepared. The flotilla holiday was a real party that lasted a week, always with a smile on his face. Particular attention paid to the choice of locations, based on weather conditions, always looking for bays with crystal clear water to take a dip. Impeccable organization and animation of evenings on the boat or ashore with DJ at the console. Excellent skipper, prepared and available and in...
Giovanni Campaci
Viaggiare in flottiglia è stata una splendida avventura grazie allo staff (Gaia sulla magia della fotografia e navigazione perfetta con due skipper fantastici come Marco C. e Andrea M.,) Allegria e competenza.. Anche con il meteo avverso… che può aiutarti ad imparare tantissime cose, sempre con lo spirito giusto! (Translated by Google) Traveling in the flotilla was a wonderful adventure thanks to the staff (Gaia on the magic of photography and perfect navigation with two fantastic skippers like Marco C....
Elisabetta V.
(Translated by Google) Truly a beautiful experience, a group of true sailing lovers who with expert skippers are able to convey their passion for sailing and share their truly formative experiences! I did a catamaran mooring course with them and I will certainly do other courses with them to improve! (Original) Veramente una bella esperienza, un gruppo di veri amanti della vela che con skipper esperti riescono a trasmettere passione per la vela e condividere le loro esperienze davvero formative...
Edoardo Recchia
(Translated by Google) Wonderful trip to the Seychelles with BeBlue. Great professionalism of the skippers who made us have a lot of fun, welcomed with affection and organized a wonderful tour. Flotilla of catamarans for those looking for fun and new friendships. Reliable and serious. Moorings and crossings in maximum safety. Everything TOP! (Original) Viaggio alle Seychelles con BeBlue meraviglioso. Grandissima professionalità degli skipper che ci hanno fatto divertire tantissimo, accolto con affetto e organizzato un tour stupendo. Flottiglia di...
Viviana Veltre
Ho da poco concluso una fantastica vacanza in barca a vela alle Isole Ioniche in Grecia e non potrei essere più soddisfatta! Questa è stata la mia prima esperienza in barca a vela, e devo dire che è andata oltre ogni mia aspettativa. L'organizzazione del team è stata impeccabile: tutto è stato curato nei minimi dettagli, facendomi sentire a mio agio sin dal primo momento. Nonostante fosse la mia prima volta, mi sono sentita completamente supportata e guidata, il che...
Elisabetta Z.
(Translated by Google) Excellent organization. They assisted us in all the preparatory stages for the trip, quickly answering all our questions. Special thanks for finding us an extremely competent and professional skipper at the last minute. (Original) Ottima organizzazione. Ci hanno assistito in tutte le fasi preparatorie al viaggio rispondendo celermente a tutti i nostri quesiti. Un ringraziamento particolare per averci trovato all’ultimo momento uno skipper estremamente competente e professionale.
Simone Vairo
(Translated by Google) Beautiful experience, wonderful holiday and full of beautiful memories! Our skipper was a great guy. Kind, helpful, nice, a beautiful person! Serena, the person dedicated to the organization, was also very kind and helpful and made our holiday unique! (Original) Bellissima esperienza, vacanza magnifica e ricca di bellissimi ricordi! Il nostro skipper era una persona fantastica. Gentile, disponibile, simpatico, una bellissima persona! Serena, la persona dedicata all'organizzazione, è stata molto gentile e disponibile anche lei ed ha...
Anna Bozzoli
(Translated by Google) Theoretical-practical course very useful for all possible failures, very good and competent instructors, complete with equipment and technical material, a course that everyone should do !!!!! (Original) Corso teorico-pratico utilissimo per tutte le possibili avarie, bravissimi e competenti gli istruttori, completo di attrezzature e materiale tecnico, un corso che dovrebbero fare tutti!!!!!
Stefania Seppia
(Translated by Google) Top vacation in the Grenadines. Our skipper Francesco is fantastic!! (Original) Vacanza top nelle Grenadine. Il nostro skipper Francesco fantastico!!
Elisabetta Cattaneo
(Translated by Google) Great variety of boats and destinations. Precise, punctual and impeccable customer service. Absolutely recommended if you want to organize a sailing holiday and don't want to have surprises. (Original) Grande varietà di imbarcazioni e di mete. Servizio clienti preciso, puntuale e impeccabile. Assolutamente consigliato se volete organizzare una vacanza in barca e non volete avere sorprese.
Gian Paolo Azzena
(Translated by Google) CIRCUS Flotilla Zadar and the Kornati Islands. First experience on a boat, the little inconveniences are forgotten after a few hours and the fun, relaxation, feeling completely free surrounded by people who live the same freedom as you begin. Beautiful places to see and crystal clear waters to dive into. A skipper who shows all his passion for sailing and explains how to move with and on a boat. Fantastic experience to live and relive. (Original) Flottiglia...
cecilia velenich
(Translated by Google) It was a week in which we lived every minute intensely as our captain Giovanni taught us! Thanks to his sympathy, experience and professionalism, we immediately formed a group and shared this wonderful experience in the best possible way. The Aeolian Islands are truly a precious treasure and a sailboat is the best way to discover their secrets! (Original) E' stata una settimana in cui abbiamo vissuto ogni minuto intensamente come ci ha insegnato il nostro capitano...
Eva Lombardo
Bella bella esperienza da ripetere! Il nostro Skipper Dani è molto coinvolgente nell’arte della navigazione! È mitico (Translated by Google) Nice experience to repeat! Our Skipper Dani is very engaging in the art of navigation! It's legendary
Ali A.
(Translated by Google) We had intended to spend a holiday outside the usual schemes and we relied on Beblue. Francesco assessed our needs considering it was our first time on a boat with two teenage boys and what to say .... it was a wonderful holiday, full of fun and relaxation, savoring a good aperitif at sunset after a day of sun and snorkeling is truly rewarding, we felt safe and pampered, thanks to the perfect organization and highly qualified...
Francesca T.