Vydajte sa za dobrodružstvom na tejto nádhernej a luxusnej plachetnici, ktorá vás bude počas celej plavby hýčkať a poskytovať vám všetko pohodlie. Stačí si len vybrať dobrý koktail, ktorý si vychutnáte v krytom lounge bare alebo v bare pri bazéne Tropical. Pri plavbe po troch rôznych trasách medzi Kykladskými ostrovmi, Sporadskými ostrovmi a Egejským morom objavíte všetky skryté zákutia Grécka!

ODLETOVá ZáKLADňA Prístav Pireus Atény, Grécko
ČAS ODCHODU Check-in v sobotu o 15:00 - Check-out nasledujúcu sobotu o 9:00

Zahrnuté služby

Pomoc pri cestovaní a registračný poplatok
Základné poistenie
Ubytovanie v dvojlôžkovej kabíne
Profesionálna posádka
Plná penzia
Posteľná bielizeň a uteráky
Záverečné čistenie
Plavidlo s prívesným motorom
Šnorchlovacie vybavenie
Prístavy a turistické poplatky 235 €

Nezahrnuté služby

Transfery do/z prístavu
Nápoje a liehoviny
Poistenie viacerých rizík (Covid-19 a storno)

od 2 100 € na osobu za ubytovanie v dvojlôžkovej kajute s vlastnou kúpeľňou a klimatizáciou.

Ďalšie informácie

Jazyk Medzinárodná posádka a hostia
Trieda Ve¾ká loï, Kabína Kategórie 3* + Hotel
Ako prísť LETISKO: Medzinárodné letisko Atény (ATH)
Identifikačné číslo produktu 368
Southern Cyclades, Greece - ID 368



Boarding on Saturday up to an hour before departure. We set sail from Piraeus for this wonderful adventure, but first we'll discover Athens and all its historical and mythological charm, epicenter for many years of European civilizations and the birthplace of democracy. Walking in the shadow of the Acropolis and the Agora, the air we breathe is that of a mystical and eternal city.

Day 2

This day will be entirely dedicated to navigation. As we dash gently through the splendid Hellenic waves, you can choose to relax comfortably on a chaise longue and sunbathe, or cool off in one of the two pools on the main deck. For the more adventurous, there will be the possibility of getting on the mainmast or even being at the helm. Exploring the interior spaces is another excellent option, perhaps enjoying a good drink in one of the lounges or reading a good book taken from the library.

Day 3

We'll set sail early in the morning to reach Rhodes (the island of roses). Equipped with a rich and varied history, the city of the same name is a mix of enchanting landscapes to visit, white beaches (like that of Lindos) and small shops where you can search for souvenirs.

Day 4

After a slow and pleasant navigation we arrive at our next destination, Bodrum, one of the most important Turkish coastal cities. Evocative and rich in history, it was the birthplace of the famous historical Herodotus and still contains one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world, the tomb of King Mausolu.

Day 5

We raise the anchor again, this time to reach the Dalyan river, where we can find a very lively lake full of fish, a lush marshy delta, very cultivated and verdant fields and finally the river itself, which flows gently into the waters of the sea. On the shore, you can admire the ruins of Caunos, which basilica overlooks the verdant vegetation where the local turtle species are born.

Day 6

It's time to change route, this time we'll return to the west and reach the famous island of Santorini. Enjoy the breathtaking view of all of the sweet white beaches, same colour as the houses of this charming island.

Day 7

Going back to Athens, the last stop is Hydra, a city of noble palaces all built around 1800 by block runners who had made their fortune overcoming the British during the Napoleonic wars. Since there are no cars, to enjoy the spectacular view from the Monastery of Ilias you will be able to hop on a donkey, that will take you to the top of the hill, from which you can admire a sunset with unforgettable colors. 

Day 8: Check-out

Ater breakfast, we will return to the port of Piraeus. 

Northern Cyclades, Greece - ID 368


Boarding on Saturday up to an hour before departure. We set sail from Piraeus for this wonderful adventure, but first we'll discover Athens and all its historical and mythological charm, epicenter for many years of European civilizations and the birthplace of democracy. Walking in the shadow of the Acropolis and the Agora, the air we breathe is that of a mystical and eternal city.

Day 2

This day will be entirely dedicated to navigation. As we dash gently through the splendid Hellenic waves, you can choose to relax comfortably on a chaise longue and sunbathe, or cool off in one of the two pools on the main deck. For the more adventurous, there will be the possibility of getting on the mainmast or even being at the helm. Exploring the interior spaces is another excellent option, perhaps enjoying a good drink in one of the lounges or reading a good book taken from the library.

Day 3

While you are having breakfast with a very rich meal, our crew will already be at work, sailing across the Strait of Samos. From the outside of the ship you can see the wonders of the islands that overlook the Turkish coast. We then arrive in Kusadasi, a famous and super equipped port for cruise ships and above all a vibrant and commercial city, and an access point to the ruins of Ephesus and the temple of Artemis. Nearby we can stop in the turquoise waters to visit the beautiful bay of Camlimani, where it will be possible to relax on the beach, swim or snorkel, stroll among the pine-smelling paths, or venture into the attractions of the aquapark. Optional: tour to visit the ruins of Ephesus.

Day 4

We will therefore explore the town of Patmos, a place full of white houses and rich in an incredible literary and historical heritage. Discover yourself this fascinating city full of mystery.

Day 5

Moving a little further south, we reach Amorgos, famous for the monastery of Hozoviotissas: overlooking a hill and with a prominent religious importance, it is certainly one of the most beautiful monuments that can be found among the Greek islands. The heavenly and surreal atmosphere of the place will give you indescribable emotions.

Day 6

It is time again to set sail, this time towards Mykonos, where the spectacular mix of jagged coasts and soft and sparkling beaches is a feast for the eyes. Visit the colorful port of Hora, the capital, a beautiful place dotted with taverns, bars and charming clubs.

Day 7

This time we leave and return to the Greek coast, particularly to Spetses, famous for its ancient naval tradition. Here you can take romantic walks around the island, with horse-drawn carts, and admire the picturesque villas that stand out around the cobblestone paths. You can choose to visit the main attractions such as museums, churches and cathedrals, or simply rest on the beach sunbathing or participating in the various water activities available.

Day 8: Check-out

After breakfast, we will return to the port of Piraeus.

The itinerary might be subject to variations due to weather conditions, safety and technical evaluations of the Captain of the boat. This programming is intended as indicative and non-binding.

Sporades and Aegean, Greece - ID 368


Boarding on Saturday up to an hour before departure.We set sail from Piraeus for this wonderful adventure, but first we'll discover Athens and all its historical and mythological charm, epicenter for many years of European civilizations and the birthplace of democracy. Walking in the shadow of the Acropolis and the Agora, the air we breathe is that of a mystical and eternal city.

Day 2

This day will be entirely dedicated to navigation. As we dash gently through the splendid Hellenic waves, you can choose to relax comfortably on a chaise longue and sunbathe, or cool off in one of the two pools on the main deck. For the more adventurous, there will be the possibility of getting on the mainmast or even being at the helm. Exploring the interior spaces is another excellent option, perhaps enjoying a good drink in one of the lounges or reading a good book taken from the library.

Day 3

Dashing through the waves we arrive at Dikili, on the Turkish coasts. Here we will be able to explore this quiet and picturesque seaside town, tasting the delicious local food in the restaurants in front of the harbor, or go shopping in one of the various shops. Nearby, it will be a fascinating experience to visit the two most important local monuments: the Acropolis and the Asklepion, both of Greek origin.

Day 4

We soon get back to Greece, this time to Myrina Limnos, a town famous for its red and white wine, grown on fertile volcanic soil. The city stands under the white and winding ramparts of the fortress of Kastro, built in 1186, but the oldest ruins to visit are those of nearby Poliohni.

Day 5

Then we arrive with the wind at our backs in the most modern town of the Sporades, Skiathos, abundant with fashionable shops, where we can take a break from the beaches. A few blocks inland you will find charming flowered houses and gardens rich with fruit trees: the walks among the colours of these landscapes will be made even more romantic by the Greek red sunset that will be the background.

Day 6

In the morning the captain will take us nearby, not far from Skiathos, to Skopelos, a verdant island packed with olive trees, almond trees and fruit trees. While we will sail in the bay that surrounds the homonymous city, its arched shape will remind us of a gigantic Greek amphitheater. 120 churches nestle beneath the ruins of the Venetian castle, and two convents and a monastery cling to the hills above the bay: an exceptional sight to be observed aboard our ship.

Day 7

Returning to the South, we barely jump from our base of departure and arrival and head towards the island of Poros, sometimes called Kalavria. Here we can find the Greek naval academy, and visitors can listen to the cadet band every morning. Look from a distance at the majestic temple of Poseidon or take a water taxi to Galatas, for excursions to the fragrant lemon groves of Lemonodasos, or venture into the hinterland towards the ancient Troezen or Epidauros.

Day 8: Check-out

After breakfast, we will return to the port of Piraeus.

The itinerary might be subject to variations due to weather conditions, safety and technical evaluations of the Captain of the boat. This programming is intended as indicative and non-binding.


Na palube tejto majestátnej plachetnice, jednej z najväčších na svete, nájdete všetky vymoženosti rezortu v kombinácii s komfortom luxusnej jachty: luxusné apartmány, 24-hodinovú izbovú službu a profesionálnu posádku, ktorá vám bude k dispozícii. Rozhodnite sa, ako chcete na tomto zázraku morí relaxovať; veľké množstvo ponúkaných služieb vám zaručí, že si budete môcť vybrať.

Karta technických údajov:

Typ Plachetnica
Model Star Flyer
Rok 1992
Dĺžka 115.5 m
Šírka 15 m
Plocha plachty 3365 mq
Typ kajuty Apartmán pre majiteľov, Apartmán Deluxe, Kajuty kategórie 1 až 6
Počet hostí 170 
Počet členov posádky 74
Doplnkové služby Klimatizácia, Tropical Bar vonku a vnútri, Piano Bar, knižnica, krb, TV a DVD prehrávač, trezor, telefón, vírivka, izbová služba 24/7

Spoločnosť BeBlue si vyhradzuje právo nahradiť plavidlo uvedené v katalógu alebo mimo katalógu iným plavidlom podobnej triedy a kvality.

Kajuta Deluxe na palube, manželské postele, minibar, mramorová kúpeľňa s vírivkou, dvere do kajuty otvorené na palubu.

Vonkajšia kajuta Superior, oddelené/dvojlôžkové/trojlôžkové postele, mramorová kúpeľňa so sprchovacím kútom.


Vonkajšia kabína, dve dolné lôžka, manželská posteľ alebo trojlôžko, mramorom obložená kúpeľňa so sprchovacím kútom.

VIAC ÚDAJOV: podrobnosti a rozloženie ostatných kategórií sú k dispozícii na požiadanie.