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Desiatky destinácií na najkrajších moriach sveta: s naším prenájmom lodí sa môžete vyda na plavbu a preži dovolenku, o akej ste vždy snívali.

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Desiatky destinácií, kde môžete prevzia kormidlo lode alebo katamaránu. Prenájmom plachetnice rozhodujete o tom, kde, ako a kedy, a vytvárate tak individuálnu dovolenku pre svoju rodinu. Ste skupina priate¾ov a chceli by ste preskúma Karibik? Riešením je prenájom lode správnych rozmerov s odchodom z prístavu, ktorý si vyberiete. Spoloènos BeBlue má v ponuke dokonalú loï pre všetky vaše potreby: katamarán, guletu, plachetnicu alebo motorový èln. Nájdite si loï, ktorú preferujete, na našej webovej stránke venovanej prenájmu lodí, vyberte si destináciu a vyplávajte!

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Recenzie zájazdov

4.83 založené na 956 recenzie

(Translated by Google) The cruise was beautiful! My partner and I spent 7 wonderful days around the most beautiful atolls of the Maldives on a splendid Lagoon 620 catamaran. For us it was not the first time on a boat, in any case, you don't need any experience for a cruise like this . The catamaran offers priceless comfort, the spaces are very large, the cabins are comfortable and the on-board service is excellent. From the cook (very good) to...

Walter Sonaglioni


(Translated by Google) Failures on Board: beautiful course, in my opinion indispensable for both skippers and owners.In just two days it manages to concentrate most of the failures that can occur during navigation, contextualized in a clear and effective way and built on the basis of years and years of recreational activities. Experiences collected in the volumes of a professional and successful team such as Be Blue. An enormous value that increases the awareness and speed of decision making that...

Aldo Stradiotti


Bella bella esperienza da ripetere! Il nostro Skipper Dani è molto coinvolgente nell’arte della navigazione! È mitico (Translated by Google) Nice experience to repeat! Our Skipper Dani is very engaging in the art of navigation! It's legendary

Ali A.


(Translated by Google) Impeccable service: attentive, timely and professional. Highly recommended (Original) Servizio impeccabile: attento, tempestivo e professionale. Consigliatissimo

Giuseppe Mercuri


(Translated by Google) Unforgettable holiday that took us to wonderful places with skipper and top staff at every level (professional and human). Thank you very much to all of you! (Original) Vacanza indimenticabile che ci ha portato in posti meravigliosi con skipper e staff top ad ogni livello (professionale e umano). Grazie, davvero, a tutti voi!

Fabio Tucci


(Translated by Google) Beautiful unforgettable experience, super organized and collaborative team, I recommend everyone to book a trip with BeBlue (Original) Bellissima esperienza indimenticabile, team super organizzato e collaborativo, consiglio a tutti di prenotare un viaggio con BeBlue

Nicole Pellizzari


I recently had the incredible opportunity to sail with BeBlue to Seychelles, and I can't recommend it enough. This was my first time sailing on a catamaran, and I was a bit nervous about how challenging it might be. However, the crew and the group on the boat made the experience so enjoyable and effortless. The itinerary was amazing, the beaches were stunning, and there was plenty of fun both on and off the boat. A special shout out to...

Diandra Brkic


A Beautiful Week of Sailing with Captain Nicola and Hostess Martina Recently, a friend and I embarked on a sailing trip across the Aeolian Islands to celebrate our 60th birthdays. At the helm was Captain Nicola, who showcased his expertise throughout the week. Captain Nicola navigated competently, demonstrating a good knowledge of the region and choosing excellent spots to anchor and enjoy the surroundings. Also on board was Martina, our diligent hostess. She took care and pampered us with her...

Yves St-Denis


It was an absolutely wonderful experience! Spending a week in Seychelles, on a boat, in my opinion is the best way to see all the beautiful beaches of the country. This was my first boat trip, and I couldn’t have asked for anything better. Mattia, our skipper, has been super accommodating - A true superstar! And I was very lucky to be surrounded by an amazing crew who made this trip even better. I definitely recommend this experience and I’m...

Sara Yousef


(Translated by Google) Beautiful experience, boat ride on the French Riviera with friends !!! Recommended!! (Original) Bellissima esperienza, giro in barca in Costa Azzurra con amici!!! Consigliato!!

Giulia Gemma Manfrotto


(Translated by Google) Catamaran course, with skipper Claudio Brega, a navy soldier, a perfect connoisseur of the sea, who was able to involve the group, teach and refine catamaran maneuvering and handling techniques, a course that I recommend to all captains who want to get closer to sailing double hull, but above all they want to consolidate themselves in the seafaring art, a course that is useful regardless of the boat being driven. Excellent team, together with Claudio two other...

Andrea Lapi


(Translated by Google) Great experience. Boat, large and spacious, Skipper and service organized, available and competent. I advise. (Original) Ottima esperienza. Barca, grande e spaziosa, Skipper e servizio organizzati, disponibili e competenti. Lo consiglio.

mirko cazzin


(Translated by Google) Monohull mooring course was developed with impeccable organisation, Claudio, our tutor, proved to be very technically prepared and his approach made the experience particularly educational as well as pleasant. Super recommended (Original) Corso ormeggio su monoscafo è stato sviluppato prevedendo un'organizzazione impeccabile, Claudio, il nostro tutor si è rivelato molto preparato tecnicamente e il suo approccio ha reso l'esperienza particolarmente formativa oltre che piacevole. Super consigliati

Ludovico Taruschio


(Translated by Google) Excellent organization, a wonderful weekend on a boat with friends! Professionalism, friendliness and fun in unique places! (Original) Ottima organizzazione, un week end in barca stupendo con le amiche! Professionalità, simpatia e divertimento in posti unici!

Cleme Basevi


Seconda volta che ho navigato con BeBlue e le aspettative si sono nuovamente confermate. Organizzazione eccellente, skipper qualificati e barche di alto livello. Ho scelto il BeFree nelle isole Ioniche, ho fatto l'itinerario di 2 settimane che ci ha permesso di vedere bellissime calette e posti a terra tra Cefalonia, Zante e tante altre isole dell'arcipelago. Le feste non sono mai mancate (grazie a Bingo cat!), cosi come le risate e la spensieratezza che solo la barca puo' dare. Menzione...

Federica L.


Ho partecipato al corso sulle avarie al motore e agli impianti di bordo organizzato da BeBlue a Chioggia e l’ho trovato davvero interessante. Il corso offre un approccio pratico e scevro di tecnicismi alla risoluzione delle avarie più comuni agli impianti e attrezzature di bordo. Francesco è stato un ottimo insegnante, competente, chiaro e coinvolgente. Consiglio questa esperienza a chiunque voglia migliorare le proprie conoscenze sulla gestione degli impianti di un cabinato a vela. (Translated by Google) I attended the...

Stefano S.
