BeBlue to Yacht Broker i Tour Operator specjalizujący się w wakacjach pod żaglami. Osobiście sprawdzamy najlepsze łodzie, sterników i trasy, aby zawsze zagwarantować beztroskie wakacje.
Zespół BeBlue pływa przez cały rok, po całym świecie.
Morze to nasz zawód!
Rent a BoatWybierz swój rejs z jasnymi cenami, prostymi i przejrzystymi ofertami. Żadnych kosztów ukrytych. Ubezpieczenie, pomoc w podróży i całodobowe wsparcie.
Na rejsy żeglarskie wybierz ofertę pakietów wakacyjnych stworzonych z myślą o relaksie, zabawie lub zanurzeniu się w przygodzie. Czego oczekujesz od następnych wakacji? BeBlue ma dla Ciebie rozwiązanie.
Za pomocą zaledwie 5 kliknięć możesz sam wybrać swoje wakacje pod żaglami. Jasne i kompletne informacje w mgnieniu oka, zobacz nasze wycieczki i dowiedz się, ile to kosztują. Łatwe podróżowanie pięknymi łodziami BeBlue.
Mile, sól, serce, wiatr, pasja. Zespół prawdziwych żeglarzy i stale szkolony sprawi, że poznasz życie na może w bezpieczny sposób, ciesząc się wakacjami.
Aktualny katalog łodzi przetestowanych osobiście przez naszych kapitanów. Odpowiadamy na Twoje potrzeby. Gdzie chcesz się wybrać na rejs katamaranem lub łodzią?
Nasze zaangażowanie wypływa z pasji do morza i żaglówki. W tym celu jesteśmy w stanie zaoferować rejs statkiem lub katamaranem w dowolne miejsce na świecie. We Włoszech od Sardynii po Sycylię, w Salento lub wzdłuż wybrzeża Morza Tyrreńskiego. Poza granicami oferujemy wycieczki i łodzie do Chorwacji, Grecji, Hiszpanii, Morza Karaibskiego, Polinezji, Europy Północnej, Tajlandii i wielu innych miejsc. Zajrzyj na stronę destynacje, aby dowiedzieć się, skąd wyołynie twój następny rejs żeglarski, z przyjaciółmi lub rodziną. Mamy rozwiązania na każdą potrzebę, od klasycznego wynajmu żaglówek lub katamaranów ze sternikiem lub bez, po najbardziej ekskluzywną wycieczkę: wybór należy do Ciebie.
Wybrany dla ciebie
Płyniemy po całym świecie
Wybierz rejs, który najbardziej Ci odpowiada
Poproś o spersonalizowaną wycenę
Wybierz spośród wielu miejsc, które preferujesz na rejs statkiem i podaruj sobie wymarzone wakacje
4.83 oparty na 956 recenzje
(Translated by Google) If you are a fresh and sunny person, if you want fun and nature, if you adapt easily … well then BEBLUE is what can make you smile! I tried this experience at the urging of a friend of mine and I came back tired, yes, but super energized and happy! I hadn't found a place the year before and only now do I realize what I missed. The skippers are professional and very careful to make...
(Translated by Google) a great experience. strongly recommended for those who love sea life, life on a boat and above all have fun. as a first personal experience (2 weeks in the Circus) the final result definitely went beyond my initial expectations !! definitely an experience that I will repeat !!! thanks @BeBlue (Original) una grandiosa esperienza. fortemente consigliata per chi ama la vita di mare, la vita in barca e sopratutto divertirsi. come prima esperienza personale (2 settimane in...
Marco Necchi
(Translated by Google) Beblue are Thieves. On the site they post photos of luxury boats, which do not correspond to reality. The program / path offered is also not respected. They are not available for any help, on the contrary they attack you as if it were your fault. Worst vacation and service received, I just finished the worst experience on my boat in the Bahamas. Above all, never choose Beblue, ever! (Original) Beblue sono Ladri. Sul sito pubblicano foto...
Laura Gimona
Excellent experience, enjoyed it immensely! Beautiful boats, great crew, special thank you to our captain Andrea! Best skipper ever! Highly recommendable!
Maria Imbach
(Translated by Google) Beautiful experience that I recommend to anyone who wants to spend a holiday in which to have fun, relax and meet new people, relying on the beblue staff, super from both a professional and human point of view! I will definitely repeat the experience in the future. (Original) Bellissima esperienza che consiglio a chiunque voglia trascorrere una vacanza in cui divertirsi, rilassarsi e conoscere nuove persone, affidandosi allo staff di beblue, super da un punto di vista...
Andrea Brogna
(Translated by Google) I tested various formats with Be Blue during the summer: Circus, Be Free, Be Family and I can only recommend it. Impeccable organization, there is always a well thought out and already tested plan B if the weather does not allow you to follow the program, the skippers are extremely prepared both from a technical point of view and from a relational point of view. I got on a boat with them for the first time and...
Sara Compagni
(Translated by Google) I had my first sailing holiday experience with BeBlue and I can only give an excellent score in terms of organisation, fun and safety. We lacked for nothing, the staff has always been available at all times and made us have fun and get to know both wonderful places and some sailing notions. A special mention to our Skipper Alberto and Co-Skipper Davide, who have always been attentive to our every need and with great professionalism have...
Valeria Maggi
(Translated by Google) The perfect holiday! Thank you Angelo for your professionalism and availability, for everything you have conveyed to us about the splendid Formentera and your beautiful boat. Thank you Davide for your kindness, for your infinite patience and.. for your kitchen😋. Get on a boat with perfect strangers and... it's not obvious but... you become family. Thank you all for the laughs and wonderful chats. On the boat you could breathe joy and carefreeness. A unique experience that...
Valeria Ferrando
(Translated by Google) It was a beautiful experience that I recommend to everyone !! I left alone, I had never had a boat experience and I didn't know anyone and I HAVE FUN !! I made a lot of acquaintances ... new friends .. we danced, swam, ate (I'm celiac and I didn't have any problems !!) ... we had a lot of fun! The Catamaran is really beautiful and comfortable, sleeping lulled by the waves is fantastic ... waking...
Simona Soudaz
(Translated by Google) Everything absolutely perfect !!!! (Original) Tutto assolutamente perfetto!!!!
Andrea Filabozzi
(Translated by Google) Beautiful experience, wonderful holiday and full of beautiful memories! Our skipper was a great guy. Kind, helpful, nice, a beautiful person! Serena, the person dedicated to the organization, was also very kind and helpful and made our holiday unique! (Original) Bellissima esperienza, vacanza magnifica e ricca di bellissimi ricordi! Il nostro skipper era una persona fantastica. Gentile, disponibile, simpatico, una bellissima persona! Serena, la persona dedicata all'organizzazione, è stata molto gentile e disponibile anche lei ed ha...
Anna Bozzoli
(Translated by Google) Very professional rental company, which also coordinates with other rental companies to make great proposals for cruises in Italy. (Original) Loueur très pro, qui se coordonne aussi avec d'autres loueurs pour faire de belles propositions de croisières en Italie.
Fam. Sivac
(Translated by Google) Excellent organization and qualified skippers for a holiday of total relaxation and fun! (Original) Ottima organizzazione e skipper qualificati per una vacanza di totale relax e divertimento!
Nathalie Polinetti
Settimana in Grecia barca a vela: un applauso speciale a tutti voi, Petros top skipper, professionista sempre allegro che ci ha portato in posti paradisiaci, Stefania la cuoca creativa che ci ha deliziato con i suoi piatti, l'equipaggio misto tra francesi, svedesi e noi italiani molto piacevole, mi sono divertita e stata molto bene.
Claudia S.
(Translated by Google) Aeolian Islands on a sailing boat with Giovanni. What to say? I don't even know where to begin to list all the emotions of this trip: perfect boat, perfect company, perfect itinerary and, icing on the cake, the skipper Giovanni who to define as superlative is an understatement. Note also to the easy, intuitive and comfortable BeBlue platform and with people always ready to answer you and give you advice. SEEING IS BELIEVING! =) (Original) Eolie in...
Luca Minervini
(Translated by Google) Catamaran management course beyond the best expectations! I would like to start with a SUPER thank you to SUPER TUTOR - Eng. CLAUDIO BREGA! Who in the imagination of each of us does not dream of being able to have great feedback and great satisfaction in attending any in-depth course, or even a first approach to any educational aspect of our life, professional or playful? I believe none! Well, this week it happened to me, and it...
Massimo Gamberini