BeBlue to Yacht Broker i Tour Operator specjalizujący się w wakacjach pod żaglami. Osobiście sprawdzamy najlepsze łodzie, sterników i trasy, aby zawsze zagwarantować beztroskie wakacje.
Zespół BeBlue pływa przez cały rok, po całym świecie.
Morze to nasz zawód!
Rent a BoatWybierz swój rejs z jasnymi cenami, prostymi i przejrzystymi ofertami. Żadnych kosztów ukrytych. Ubezpieczenie, pomoc w podróży i całodobowe wsparcie.
Na rejsy żeglarskie wybierz ofertę pakietów wakacyjnych stworzonych z myślą o relaksie, zabawie lub zanurzeniu się w przygodzie. Czego oczekujesz od następnych wakacji? BeBlue ma dla Ciebie rozwiązanie.
Za pomocą zaledwie 5 kliknięć możesz sam wybrać swoje wakacje pod żaglami. Jasne i kompletne informacje w mgnieniu oka, zobacz nasze wycieczki i dowiedz się, ile to kosztują. Łatwe podróżowanie pięknymi łodziami BeBlue.
Mile, sól, serce, wiatr, pasja. Zespół prawdziwych żeglarzy i stale szkolony sprawi, że poznasz życie na może w bezpieczny sposób, ciesząc się wakacjami.
Aktualny katalog łodzi przetestowanych osobiście przez naszych kapitanów. Odpowiadamy na Twoje potrzeby. Gdzie chcesz się wybrać na rejs katamaranem lub łodzią?
Nasze zaangażowanie wypływa z pasji do morza i żaglówki. W tym celu jesteśmy w stanie zaoferować rejs statkiem lub katamaranem w dowolne miejsce na świecie. We Włoszech od Sardynii po Sycylię, w Salento lub wzdłuż wybrzeża Morza Tyrreńskiego. Poza granicami oferujemy wycieczki i łodzie do Chorwacji, Grecji, Hiszpanii, Morza Karaibskiego, Polinezji, Europy Północnej, Tajlandii i wielu innych miejsc. Zajrzyj na stronę destynacje, aby dowiedzieć się, skąd wyołynie twój następny rejs żeglarski, z przyjaciółmi lub rodziną. Mamy rozwiązania na każdą potrzebę, od klasycznego wynajmu żaglówek lub katamaranów ze sternikiem lub bez, po najbardziej ekskluzywną wycieczkę: wybór należy do Ciebie.
Wybrany dla ciebie
Płyniemy po całym świecie
Wybierz rejs, który najbardziej Ci odpowiada
Poproś o spersonalizowaną wycenę
Wybierz spośród wielu miejsc, które preferujesz na rejs statkiem i podaruj sobie wymarzone wakacje
4.83 oparty na 956 recenzje
(Translated by Google) Beautiful holiday and excellent preparation of the staff. All perfect (Original) Bellissima vacanza e ottima preparazione dello staff. Tutto perfetto
Gian Marco Garbellotto
Settimana fantastica con la flottiglia Croazia Circus! Staff eccezionale, simpatico e preparato. Mare, musica, nuovi amici e tanto divertimento. Da ripetere! Super-consigliata! (Translated by Google) Fantastic week with the Croatia Circus flotilla! Exceptional staff, friendly and prepared. Sea, music, new friends and lots of fun. To be repeated! Super-recommended!
Enrichetta B.
(Translated by Google) Extremely useful course for understanding the main on-board systems and knowing how to "deal with" the most common faults. Putting it into practice is also very important, in fact after the theory, you will dismantle and touch everything! Competent and super nice instructors! You will have fun. (Original) Corso estremamente utile per comprendere i principali impianti di bordo e saper “mettere mano” alle avarie più comuni. Molto importante inoltre la messa in pratica, infatti dopo la teoria,...
luca pecorelli
(Translated by Google) Beautiful experience and perfect organization. I couldn't ask for anything better for my first sailing vacation. (Original) Esperienza bellissima e organizzazione perfetta. Non potevo chiedere di meglio per la mia prima vacanza in barca.
Luisa Covini
(Translated by Google) it was a very informative course weekend. thanks Jacopo (Original) è stato un fine settimana di corso molto istruttivo. grazie Jacopo
Marco Collazzo
(Translated by Google) Holiday in flotilla BeBlue Circus in Greece - an unforgettable and highly recommended experience :) having previously had a holiday on a boat is not necessary because everything is managed by the skilled BeBlue skippers who are always ready to solve any unexpected event. Wonderful parties organized to liven up every evening and crossings with breathtaking views. A vacation that remains indelible in the heart full of fun, dream sea and wonderful people
Fabi T.
(Translated by Google) Beautiful holiday will remain in the heart (Original) Vacanza bellissima rimarrà nel cuore
(Translated by Google) First experience on a sailing boat, I must say very amazed by the excellent organization by the BeBlue crew. A super fun and adventurous vacation! (Original) Prima esperienza in barca a vela, devo dire molto stupito dall'ottima organizzazione da parte della crew di BeBlue. Una vacanza super divertente e avventurosa!
michael rota scalabrini
I recently had the incredible opportunity to sail with BeBlue to Seychelles, and I can't recommend it enough. This was my first time sailing on a catamaran, and I was a bit nervous about how challenging it might be. However, the crew and the group on the boat made the experience so enjoyable and effortless. The itinerary was amazing, the beaches were stunning, and there was plenty of fun both on and off the boat. A special shout out to...
Diandra Brkic
(Translated by Google) I tested various formats with Be Blue during the summer: Circus, Be Free, Be Family and I can only recommend it. Impeccable organization, there is always a well thought out and already tested plan B if the weather does not allow you to follow the program, the skippers are extremely prepared both from a technical point of view and from a relational point of view. I got on a boat with them for the first time and...
Sara Compagni
(Translated by Google) Just returned from a flotilla (befamily) in Croatia. Organization, availability and kindness of the whole team absolutely perfect. Not only is he council, but they will most likely come back to them next year. (Original) Appena tornato da una flottiglia (befamily) in Croazia. Organizzazione, disponibilità e gentilezza di tutta l'équipe assolutamente perfette. Non solo sta-consiglio, ma molto probabilmente ripassero da loro l'anno prossimo.
Max Calaprice
(Translated by Google) The best sailing experience I could ever do. The beblue guys, with their attention to every detail and their sympathy, made our vacation wonderful. passion for the sea, new friendships and the desire to sail with them again. I hope very soon and thank you all! :) (Original) La migliore esperienza in barca a vela che potessi mai fare. I ragazzi di beblue, con la loro attenzione ad ogni dettaglio ed alla loro simpatia, hanno reso la...
Francesca Mentasca
Esperienza meravigliosa fatta di momenti magici tra relax divertimento e condivisione! Moma e Alessia sono stati gli skipper migliori che potessi desiderare! Da ripetere assolutamente! ❤️ (Translated by Google) Wonderful experience made of magical moments between relaxation, fun and sharing! Moma and Alessia were the best skippers I could have asked for! Absolutely worth repeating! ❤️
Maria Elena D.F.
Viaggiare in flottiglia è stata una splendida avventura grazie allo staff (Gaia sulla magia della fotografia e navigazione perfetta con due skipper fantastici come Marco C. e Andrea M.,) Allegria e competenza.. Anche con il meteo avverso… che può aiutarti ad imparare tantissime cose, sempre con lo spirito giusto! (Translated by Google) Traveling in the flotilla was a wonderful adventure thanks to the staff (Gaia on the magic of photography and perfect navigation with two fantastic skippers like Marco C....
Elisabetta V.
wonderful holiday, the guys from be blue very good and super organized 👏🏻
milena goridan
(Translated by Google) I had an unforgettable holiday, on a route that touched both famous places and unknown islands. The skipper was very attentive and helpful, he created a welcoming atmosphere on board, which favored the cohesion of the group We did various activities, ate both on land and on board and had many comforts, to make life at sea more pleasant; furthermore, I left independently and on board I found a balanced group, both in age and in terms...
Vanessa Morini