BeBlue to Yacht Broker i Tour Operator specjalizujący się w wakacjach pod żaglami. Osobiście sprawdzamy najlepsze łodzie, sterników i trasy, aby zawsze zagwarantować beztroskie wakacje.
Zespół BeBlue pływa przez cały rok, po całym świecie.
Morze to nasz zawód!
Rent a BoatWybierz swój rejs z jasnymi cenami, prostymi i przejrzystymi ofertami. Żadnych kosztów ukrytych. Ubezpieczenie, pomoc w podróży i całodobowe wsparcie.
Na rejsy żeglarskie wybierz ofertę pakietów wakacyjnych stworzonych z myślą o relaksie, zabawie lub zanurzeniu się w przygodzie. Czego oczekujesz od następnych wakacji? BeBlue ma dla Ciebie rozwiązanie.
Za pomocą zaledwie 5 kliknięć możesz sam wybrać swoje wakacje pod żaglami. Jasne i kompletne informacje w mgnieniu oka, zobacz nasze wycieczki i dowiedz się, ile to kosztują. Łatwe podróżowanie pięknymi łodziami BeBlue.
Mile, sól, serce, wiatr, pasja. Zespół prawdziwych żeglarzy i stale szkolony sprawi, że poznasz życie na może w bezpieczny sposób, ciesząc się wakacjami.
Aktualny katalog łodzi przetestowanych osobiście przez naszych kapitanów. Odpowiadamy na Twoje potrzeby. Gdzie chcesz się wybrać na rejs katamaranem lub łodzią?
Nasze zaangażowanie wypływa z pasji do morza i żaglówki. W tym celu jesteśmy w stanie zaoferować rejs statkiem lub katamaranem w dowolne miejsce na świecie. We Włoszech od Sardynii po Sycylię, w Salento lub wzdłuż wybrzeża Morza Tyrreńskiego. Poza granicami oferujemy wycieczki i łodzie do Chorwacji, Grecji, Hiszpanii, Morza Karaibskiego, Polinezji, Europy Północnej, Tajlandii i wielu innych miejsc. Zajrzyj na stronę destynacje, aby dowiedzieć się, skąd wyołynie twój następny rejs żeglarski, z przyjaciółmi lub rodziną. Mamy rozwiązania na każdą potrzebę, od klasycznego wynajmu żaglówek lub katamaranów ze sternikiem lub bez, po najbardziej ekskluzywną wycieczkę: wybór należy do Ciebie.
Wybrany dla ciebie
Płyniemy po całym świecie
Wybierz rejs, który najbardziej Ci odpowiada
Poproś o spersonalizowaną wycenę
Wybierz spośród wielu miejsc, które preferujesz na rejs statkiem i podaruj sobie wymarzone wakacje
4.83 oparty na 956 recenzje
Excellent experience, enjoyed it immensely! Beautiful boats, great crew, special thank you to our captain Andrea! Best skipper ever! Highly recommendable!
Maria Imbach
(Translated by Google) I made two trips with BeBlue, the last one in 2022 BeFree Greece Ionian Islands. In both cases the staff stood out for their excellent organizational skills, cheerfulness, availability and competence. I found the trip well organized, the number and quality of the stages balanced: we had time to enjoy the sea and the parties but we also managed to see several interesting places. The skippers and the head of the company were all good and competent....
Christian Toscano
(Translated by Google) Serious and professional tour operator, Beblue was able to create a tour that made us reach wonderful bays among the islands of Greece in total safety thanks to experienced and very cohesive skippers! I returned to Italy with a sea of memories and emotions, which I can't wait to share with my friends! Highly recommended !! (Original) Tour operator serio e professionale, Beblue ha saputo creare un tour che ci ha fatto raggiungere baie meravigliose tra le...
Luca Giolo
BeBlue’s service is outstandingly great! I have booked 3 charters with them in the last 5 years and have had wonderful experiences - their knowledge of charter locations & services is top notch! Communication with them was always clear and enjoyable. The variety of boats & charter bases they have access to is tremendous - and all at very reasonable cost, compared to what most sailors from the US are used to! 5-star service for sure!
David Ross
(Translated by Google) The careful and professional selection of the boat to rent already guarantees you a successful cruise and with BeBlue it has always been so this year too! 2 crew members who thought they would stop only the first week decided to do both weeks after a few days, power of the Adriatic sea (central Dalmatia) and of the beautiful boat provided by BeBlue! (Original) L'accurata e professionale selezione della barca da noleggiare ti garantisce già una crociera...
Andrea Gravili
(Translated by Google) Breakdown Course: complete and well structured, done with passion, very useful for boat maintenance and also for dealing with unforeseen events in navigation (Original) Corso Avarie: completo e ben strutturato, fatto con passione, molto utile per la manutenzione dell'imbarcazione ed anche per fronteggiare imprevisti in navigazione
Davide Basso
(Translated by Google) As far as availability, organization and competence are concerned, all made easy by extreme courtesy, I can only express satisfaction for having turned to BeBlue! Nice holiday! Greetings to Angela and Serena! (Original) Per ciò che riguarda disponibilità, organizzazione e competenza il tutto reso agevole da cortesia estrema non posso che esprimere soddisfazione per esserci rivolti a BeBlue! Bella vacanza! Un saluto ad Angela e Serena!
Danilo Cingi
(Translated by Google) wonderful experience, heavenly places and very competent skipper (Original) meravigliosa esperienza, luoghi paradisiaci e skipper molto competente
anna passoni
(Translated by Google) Fantastic week aboard Raya for the South of Sardinia. The skipper Gianluca and the sailor Francesco, professional and always attentive to every need, were able to immediately transmit their passion and love for sailing and the sea, making us always feel pampered and safe. Among crystal clear waters, thrilling sailing, out of tune karaoke, nights under the stars, gourmet aperitifs (prepared by the captain!), Sailing lessons, breathtaking sunrises and sunsets, an adventurous and at the same time...
Rosa Laface
(Translated by Google) Great experience! Professional and attentive to customer needs (Original) Ottima esperienza ! Professionali e attenti all’esigenza del cliente
Marcello Ceola Graziadei
Vacanza super: itinerario tra le Isole Incoronate bellissimo, barche comodissime, compagnia eccezionale, skipper Lorenzo bravissimo e il team della flottiglia ottimo da tutti i punti di vista (professionalità, affidabilità, cura per gli ospiti, spirito di squadra). Una menzione speciale al super coskipper Edoardo, sempre disponibile, molto competente e anche top come animatore per i ragazzi. Esperienza che certamente ripeteremo! (Translated by Google) Super holiday: beautiful itinerary between the Kornati Islands, very comfortable boats, exceptional company, excellent skipper Lorenzo and the...
Estella P.
(Translated by Google) Extremely positive experience from all points of view. Great courtesy in providing information and simplicity in booking. Special mention for Skipper and co-Skipper… Nicola & Elena simply fantastic. Experience to be repeated certainly and which I also recommend (and above all) to those who, like me, have not ... had ever tried sailing. (Original) Esperienza estremamente positiva sotto tutti i punti di vista. Grande cortesia nel fornire informazioni e semplicità nella prenotazione. Menzione particolare per Skipper e...
Nicola Martini
(Translated by Google) Unique experience .. between sea, sun aperitifs at sunset, laughter and relaxation .. a week in which to switch off without giving up the fun .. STRAC RECOMMENDED !! (Original) Esperienza unica.. tra mare ,sole aperitivi al tramonto, risate e relax .. una settimana in cui staccare la spina senza rinunciare al divertimento.. STRACONSIGLIATA!!
Cristina Suriano
(Translated by Google) Excellent organization and qualified skippers for a holiday of total relaxation and fun! (Original) Ottima organizzazione e skipper qualificati per una vacanza di totale relax e divertimento!
Nathalie Polinetti
(Translated by Google) It was a great experience. A week full of sea, sailing, parties and new friends. Alice our skipper was fantastic we can't say anything else, she was able to coincide and indulge 7 people with very different personalities. (Original) É stata una bellísima esperienza. Una settimana piena di mare, vela, feste e nuove amicizie. Alice il nostro skipper é stata fantastica non si può dire altro, è stata capace di coinciliare e assecondare 7 persone con personalità...
Fabrizia Monaco
(Translated by Google) Fascinating experience in the company of an extremely trained, helpful and pleasant skipper like Walter in the splendid setting of the islands in front of Split. Beblue highly recommended! (Original) Esperienza affascinante in compagnia di uno skipper estremamente formato, disponibile e simpatico come Walter nella splendida cornice delle isole di fronte a Spalato. Beblue straconsigliato!
Gavriel Sonnino