Somos la única Agencia y Operador de Viajes Náuticos que comprueba personalmente los barcos, los capitanes y los paquetes vacacionales ofrecidos. El equipo de BeBlue navega todo el año, todos los años, por todo el mundo.
The sea is our profession!
Rent a BoatPrecios seguros y propuestas transparentes: ¡sin cláusulas abusivas ni malas sorpresas! Asistencia en viaje, seguros y soporte 24/7 por parte de nuestro equipo.
Paquetes de vacaciones diseñados para relajarse, entretenerse o sumergirse en la aventura. ¿Qué espera de sus próximas vacaciones? Be Blue tiene la solución para ti.
Tus vacaciones están a sólo 5 clicks de ti. Información clara y completa: visita nuestros viajes y descubre lo fácil que es viajar con BeBlue.
¡Millas náuticas, corazón, sal, viento y pasión! Un maravilloso equipo de expertos marineros, siempre totalmente formados, simplemente esperando para acompañarte con seguridad en cualquier mar.
Listas actualizadas y veleros probados por nuestros mejores patrones. ¡Para cualquier necesidad que tengas te responderemos con el barco adecuado para ti!
Seleccionamos los mejores barcos en todos los mares del mundo
En Italia desde Cerdeña a Sicilia, en Salento oa lo largo de la costa del Tirreno. Al otro lado de la frontera, ofrecemos viajes y barcos en Croacia, Grecia, España, el Mar Caribe, Polinesia, el norte de Europa, Tailandia y muchos otros destinos. Consulta la página de destinos, averigua desde dónde saldrá tu próximo crucero a vela, con amigos o en familia. Tenemos soluciones para cada necesidad, desde el clásico alquiler de veleros o catamaranes con o sin patrón hasta el tour más exclusivo: tú eliges.
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Entre nuestros muchos destinos, elija el que prefiera para su crucero de vela y dejar para la fiesta de sus sueños
4.83 Basado en 956 Opiniones
Bellissima esperienza. Entrambi gli skipper Claudio e Jacopo gentili e professionali. In particolare Claudio con cui condividevo il catamarano, è stato molto disponibile e attento. Pamela (Translated by Google) Beautiful experience. Both skippers Claudio and Jacopo were kind and professional. In particular Claudio, with whom I shared the catamaran, was very helpful and attentive. Pamela
Pamy Mom
Great boat, fantastic skipper, great service from BeBlue as usual.
Marta P. D.
(Translated by Google) The flotilla experience is fabulous. A perfect synergy is created between the sea and fun. I met exceptional people and had an unforgettable time. You return home regenerated. The organization of the holiday between coves, dinners and parties is impeccable and for example Dave, skipper, was attentive and present to the needs of the entire crew. We all already intend to leave for other destinations. (Original) L’ esperienza in flottiglia e’ favolosa. Si crea una giusta sinergia...
Valentina Palmieri
BeBlue sempre una garanzia! Ottime proposte, personale disponibile e coinvolgente. Skipper e coskipper sempre pronti ad affrontare qualsiasi evento e molto coinvolgenti nelle attività di bordo. (Translated by Google) BeBlue always a guarantee! Excellent proposals, helpful and engaging staff. Skipper and co-skipper always ready to face any event and very engaging in on-board activities.
Marta P.
(Translated by Google) The flotilla vacation in the Bahamas was a wonderful adventure. Overall, the trip was excellently planned and organized by the Beblue team. I found all the skippers to be very knowledgeable, professional and extremely available to satisfy our needs with care and attention. The catamarans in the flotilla were new, comfortable and very spacious. The Abacos archipelago is a true paradise. In addition to the breathtaking beaches and Caribbean waters with a thousand shades, I personally especially...
Giulia Sangalli
Piacevolissima crociera nelle acque del golfo Saronico con un’ottimo skipper, di nome Kris (Translated by Google) Very pleasant cruise in the waters of the Saronic Gulf with an excellent skipper, named Kris
Massimo S.
Un weekend tra amiche all’insegna del divertimento e del mare. Grazie a Dario e Jessica abbiamo avuto una prima esperienza in barca a vela sicuramente indimenticabile: sempre in sicurezza, le spiegazioni chiare e la loro super disponibilità hanno reso tutto ancora più perfetto. Esperienza da ripetere e sicuramente super consigliata! (Translated by Google) A weekend with friends full of fun and the sea. Thanks to Dario and Jessica we had an unforgettable first experience on a sailing boat: always safe,...
Marta C.
BeBlue’s service is outstandingly great! I have booked 3 charters with them in the last 5 years and have had wonderful experiences - their knowledge of charter locations & services is top notch! Communication with them was always clear and enjoyable. The variety of boats & charter bases they have access to is tremendous - and all at very reasonable cost, compared to what most sailors from the US are used to! 5-star service for sure!
David Ross
(Translated by Google) A praise to the professionalism and kindness (Original) Un plauso alla professionalità e alla gentilezza
massimo bovo
(Translated by Google) Absolutely recommended. We spent a weekend in Trieste, Slovenia and Croatia and it was a dream. Alessandro, the skipper, was great and the boat was clean, welcoming and very beautiful. (Original) Assolutamente consigliato. Abbiamo fatto un weekend tra Trieste, Slovenia e Croazia ed è stato un sogno. Alessandro, lo skipper, è stato eccezionale e la barca era pulita, accogliente e molto bella.
Dany Lai
Ho frequentato il corso ormeggi lo scorso week and a Marina di Fezzano. Pienamente soddisfatto della disponibilità e preparazione del docente. Durante il giorno un pelo di freddo si sente, ma la notte in barca ho dormito con l'oblo aperto dal caldo. Consigliato anche ai più freddolosi. La calma del porto permette di testare diversi tipologie di ormeggio in totale sicurezza. (Translated by Google) I attended the mooring course last week in Marina di Fezzano. Fully satisfied with the availability...
Cristian F.
BeBlue is only an intermediary. I was in a boat with other guests who have booked with other agency. when we were in port for two days due to bad weather, the other agency has offered a free tour with bus while the Beblu asked me to pay the tour.
Federica Cordioli
BeBlue non delude mai! Flottiglia Grecia Ionica super! I nostri skipper, esperti e preparati, hanno modificato la rotta in modo da evitare scrupolosamente il maltempo, cosi da permetterci di godere tutta la vacanza in pieno sole e lo staff, super carico e gioioso, ci ha fatto trascorrere serate folli in luoghi indimenticabili! Super consigliato per chi desidera godersi la vita nei nostri paradisi, anche in quelli non sempre accessibili per altre vie e in pieno rispetto del mare! Un enorme...
Barbara T.
Settimana in Grecia barca a vela: un applauso speciale a tutti voi, Petros top skipper, professionista sempre allegro che ci ha portato in posti paradisiaci, Stefania la cuoca creativa che ci ha deliziato con i suoi piatti, l'equipaggio misto tra francesi, svedesi e noi italiani molto piacevole, mi sono divertita e stata molto bene.
Claudia S.
(Translated by Google) I am back from just a week of Circus flotilla unfortunately A premise: Best Skipper in the world: Andrea Padovese, who was able to tolerate us, entertain us, teach the world of sailing and explain the places we visited I can only say, Really good, everything organized to perfection, the packages, the skippers, even if the weather does not allow there is no need to be afraid the organizers will invent everything to keep you entertained, entertainment...
Manuel Meloni
(Translated by Google) I spent a week in Croatia with BeBlue, Circus flotilla. It was a fantastic experience, which brought together moments of celebration and fun with the tranquility and peace that only the sea can offer. The skippers were extremely knowledgeable and sociable with us of the crew, in which I met many new people. Warmly advise everyone to join a trip offered by BeBlue! And I don't exclude the possibility of repeating the experience in the future. (Original)...
Alberto Santi