Nice SPA Team Building on sail boat

Nice SPA Team Building on sail boat

24. June, 2019
Company events: Team Building & Incentive



  • Summer 2019
  • Nice Spa
  • Team Building in Istria

Team Building on the Istrian Coast: A Weekend of Regattas and Relaxation for the Nice Team

On June 23 and 24, 2019, the Nice team experienced an unforgettable adventure along the stunning Istrian coast, participating in a series of team-building activities that strengthened interpersonal bonds and improved the overall work environment.

The weekend began with a brief but essential safety briefing, preparing everyone to board the boats. The BeBlue skippers guided the participants through learning various maneuvers, the roles on board, and navigation techniques. After this training phase, the highly anticipated moment arrived: the regatta. Divided into teams, the participants tested their skills and, most importantly, their ability to collaborate in a dynamic and stimulating environment. The adrenaline-filled competition allowed the team spirit to flourish and promoted greater cohesion among colleagues.

Relaxation and Fun Along the Croatian Coast

After the excitement of the regatta, a peaceful lunch break followed. The seven boats provided offered a moment of pure relaxation. The employees enjoyed the sun, immersed themselves in the crystal-clear waters of the Croatian coast, and admired the beauty of the Adriatic Sea. This leisure time allowed the group to share pleasant experiences and further strengthen their bonds, away from the daily pressures of the work environment.

The event exceeded expectations, fostering not only mutual understanding among colleagues but also promoting greater team cohesion. These two days of adventure and relaxation highlighted the importance of creating opportunities to strengthen bonds within the team, a crucial element for enhancing company performance.

In summary, the weekend along the Istrian coast was a success in every respect: a perfect mix of challenge, fun, and relaxation that contributed to improving the work environment and strengthening the team spirit of the Nice group.


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