Bachelor Party

Bachelor Party

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An original and amusing idea to surprise the future bride or groom with an unforgettable party with the closest friends. Let BeBlue guide you in the choice of the boat that best suits your needs and the most suggestive and lively itinerary to surprise your friends with a bachelorette/bachelor party full of fun and relax on a sailboat. 

BeWeekend: Monaco and Côte d’Azur

Beaulieu sur Mer

The French Riviera awaits you! Come aboard for an incredible weekend, sailing from Beaulieu sur Mer... Beaulieu, Cap Ferrat, Villefranche-sur-Mer,...

Price per person from 350,00 €

BeWeekend: Venice Lagoon


A special weekend out of town. The charm of a unique city lived with the eyes and experience of Venetian...

Price per person 250,00 €

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