BeBlue is a Yacht Broker and Tour Operator specialized in sailing holidays. We personally check the best boats, skippers and routes to always guarantee you a carefree holiday.
The BeBlue Team sails year-round, all throughout the world.
The sea is our profession!
Rent a BoatSafe prices and transparent proposals: no unfair clauses or bad surprises! Trip assistance, insurances and 24/7 support by our team.
Package holidays designed to relax, entertain or immerse you in adventure. What do you expect from your next holiday? Be Blue has the solution for you!
Your vacation is only 5 click away from you. Clear and complete information: visit our tours and discover how easy it is to travel with BeBlue.
Nautical miles, heart, salt, wind and passion! A marvelous team of expert sailors always fully trained, simply waiting to accompany you safely in any sea.
Updated lists and sailing boats tested by our best skippers. For whatever need you have we will answer with the right boat for you!
We select the best boats in all the seas of the world
Our work and commitment comes from a strong passion for sailing and the sea. That’s why we can offer you a sailing cruise on a sailboat or catamaran anywhere in the world. In Italy, from Sardinia to Sicily, in Salento or along the Tyrrhenian coast.
Across the border, we offer trips and boats to explore Croatia, Greece, Spain, Caribbean Sea, Polynesia, Northern Europe, Thailand and many other destinations.
Consult the webpage “Destinations” and find out from where your next sailing cruise will depart, with your friends or with your family. We have solutions for any need, from the classic rental of a sailboat or catamaran with or without skipper to the most exclusive tour: the choice is yours.
Selected for you
Sail around the world
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Among our many destinations, choose the one you prefer for your sailing cruise and leave for the holiday of your dreams
4.83 stars based on 956 reviews
Great boat, fantastic skipper, great service from BeBlue as usual.
Marta P. D.
(Translated by Google) I attended this course to practice mooring maneuvers with the catamaran before facing a rental. I was completely satisfied and highly recommend it. Maximum professionalism from BeBlue instructors. Thanks, see you soon (Original) Ho frequentato questo corso per impratichirmi con le manovre di ormeggio con il catamarano prima di affrontare un noleggio. Sono rimasto completamente soddisfatto e lo consiglio vivamente. Massima professionalità da parte degli istruttori BeBlue. Grazie a presto
federico vivian
(Translated by Google) great experience, excellent organization. A lot of fun and in perfect safety thanks to expert skippers (Original) bellissima esperienza, organizzazione eccellente. Molto divertente e in perfetta sicurezza grazie a skipper esperti
marta piazzi
(Translated by Google) The gulet trip to the Ionian islands which was conditioned by 2 factors: -discontent among the crew (captain changed after 5 days which caused loss of time due to bureaucratic issues) - wind that forced the return to the port of Corfu a day earlier than expected, missing the visit to the last scheduled location. All passengers who came from other agencies were offered a free tour to compensate for the lost day. I was asked for...
Angelo Scotti
(Translated by Google) If I had been able to design my first experience on a boat, I would have wanted it this way! I thank all my travel companions and with all my heart Nicola and Elena who have put their professionalism at service with care, attention and sweetness. The sea, as always, has made everything more magical (Original) Se l’avessi potuta disegnare la mia prima esperienza in barca l’avrei voluta così! Ringrazio tutti i miei compagni di viaggio e...
chiara marzaduri
Purtroppo, la mia esperienza con BeBlue è stata segnata da una comunicazione poco attenta e da un approccio che ho percepito come sbrigativo da parte del responsabile della formazione, ma soprattutto non in linea con il livello di professionalità e rispetto delle informazioni condivise. Nonostante il mio interesse a seguire dei corsi di formazione, il tono delle risposte ricevute ha trasmesso una certa arroganza, molta presunzione e poca professionalità. Suggerisco di fare attenzione a una comunicazione cortese e di un...
Filippo T.
wonderful holiday, the guys from be blue very good and super organized 👏🏻
milena goridan
Con BeBlue ho fatto una delle vacanze più belle di sempre! Consigliatissimo! (Translated by Google) With BeBlue I had one of the best holidays ever! Highly recommended!
Marco B.
(Translated by Google) Everything worked great (Original) Hat alles super funktioniert
Gasthof Steinegger
5 starts are mainly thanks to Giovanni Arena, our skipper, that has been our holiday absolutely smooth and pleasant. He’s an expert and he’s able to handle a variety of different situations and people with calm and professionalism. BeBlue has provided a good customer service but poor support on reimbursement/cancellation policies.
marina fignani
Bella bella esperienza da ripetere! Il nostro Skipper Dani è molto coinvolgente nell’arte della navigazione! È mitico (Translated by Google) Nice experience to repeat! Our Skipper Dani is very engaging in the art of navigation! It's legendary
Ali A.
BeBlue sempre una garanzia! Ottime proposte, personale disponibile e coinvolgente. Skipper e coskipper sempre pronti ad affrontare qualsiasi evento e molto coinvolgenti nelle attività di bordo. (Translated by Google) BeBlue always a guarantee! Excellent proposals, helpful and engaging staff. Skipper and co-skipper always ready to face any event and very engaging in on-board activities.
Marta P.
(Translated by Google) My sailing holiday couldn't have been better organized. Professional, polite and always available staff. I highly recommend Beblue to anyone who doesn't want to have inconvenience. Happy holidays to all, see you soon! (Original) La mia vacanza in barca non poteva essere organizzata meglio. Staff professionale, educato e sempre disponibile. Consiglio vivamente Beblue a tutti quelli che non vogliono avere inconvenienti. Buone vacanze a tutti, a presto!
Alessandro Santoni
Il mio primo viaggio in barca a vela è stato un'esperienza indimenticabile, resa magica e indelebile grazie alla competenza e alla passione di Jacopo e Roberto, il nostro skipper e co skipper. Con il loro feeling innato con il mare e la padronanza assoluta della barca, mi hanno trasmesso una sicurezza e un amore per la navigazione che non dimenticherò mai. Ogni caletta scelta è stata un piccolo paradiso, frutto di un'organizzazione impeccabile. Grazie di cuore a tutto il team...
Paola A.
(Translated by Google) Impeccable service: attentive, timely and professional. Highly recommended (Original) Servizio impeccabile: attento, tempestivo e professionale. Consigliatissimo
Giuseppe Mercuri
(Translated by Google) Unfortunately I have to put a single star on this agency. Catamaran cruise to Seychelles booked in April departing August 6, on July 4 I am informed that the chosen catamaran was no longer available. They offer smaller catamarans, obviously with a discount compared to the reservation, guaranteeing space for everyone, and crew with their own separate cabins. Unfortunately, despite the emails guaranteeing the required requirements, we found ourselves in addition to the very small catamaran also...
sabrina trombetti