The seven Sicilian sisters

The seven Sicilian sisters

14. June, 2024
The Blue Blog

The seven Sicilian sisters: The Aaelian Islands

Some say that landing on the Aeolian Islands can evoke "strange" sensations. These islands indeed radiate a mysterious energy from underground and tell the stories of millions of people who have trodden these incredible lands: invasions, deportations, cataclysms, and eruptions have shaped this place over centuries, shrouded in myth and legend.

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The Purple of Alicudi (the ancient Ericusa)

Alicudi, the most remote of the Aeolian Islands, enchants with its breathtaking landscapes and a palette of colors that seems to come straight out of a painting. Among the deep blue of the sea and the green of its hills, an unexpected and fascinating color stands out: purple. This color is due to extensive patches of heather, plants of the Ericaceae family, known for their small violet flowers. The heathers, resilient and robust, carpet much of the island, transforming it into a sea undulating with shades of purple, especially during the flowering season. Their presence not only colors the landscape but also adds a touch of sweetness with their delicate fragrance. Alicudi, with its blooming heathers, offers a unique natural spectacle, earning the island the nickname "purple island," a place where nature expresses itself in all its beauty and simplicity.

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The Crystal Clear Sea of Filicudi

From the deep and abyssal blue to the brilliant turquoise of the coastal seabed, Filicudi offers a landscape masterfully sculpted by wind and water. This enchanting scenery, crystal clear and pollution-free, boasts a rare transparency that allows seeing the seabed even when moving away from the shore. Filicudi's coasts are dotted with small coves and hidden beaches, perfect for those seeking secluded corners and views of rare beauty. Among the natural wonders to explore, the rocks of Giafante, La Canna, Monte Nassari, della Fortuna, and Cacato stand out. Each rock formation tells a story, shaped by the force of the elements over millennia. The Grotta del Bue Marino, a naturally fascinating cave, offers an unforgettable adventure inside, with play of light and shadow that takes your breath away. An intriguing curiosity is that Filicudi hosts an underwater archaeological museum, a must-visit for history and archaeology enthusiasts. This museum, unique in the Aeolian archipelago, allows you to literally immerse yourself in history, exploring ancient wrecks and submerged artifacts that tell stories of past civilizations.

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Lipari, the Queen of the Islands

Lipari, the jewel of the Aeolian Islands, is a unique place in the world, boasting over 6,000 years of uninterrupted history. Inhabited since the Neolithic period, this island preserves the testimonies of all the civilizations that have lived in this archipelago, collected in its fascinating Archaeological Museum. Lipari is not only the largest of the Aeolians but also an island with a thousand facets, perfect for those who want to experience it all year round. The coastal landscape of Lipari is incredibly suggestive, with cliffs plunging into crystalline waters and beaches of sand and pebbles inviting relaxation. Inland, the territory is rich in natural resources still to be developed and enhanced, offering endless opportunities for nature lovers and adventurers.

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Small hamlets, picturesque villages, and scattered houses dot the island, adding a touch of authenticity to its charm. The main inhabited center is a lively crossroads of culture and traditions, where all the necessary services for daily life are found, maintaining an environmental balance that continues to satisfy residents and visitors alike. Lipari is famous for its obsidian quarries, a shiny black volcanic stone that was precious to the island's ancient inhabitants. Furthermore, its Malvasia delle Lipari wine is a nectar to be absolutely tasted, produced using traditional methods dating back centuries.
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The Exclusivity of Panarea and its Islets

Panarea is considered the chic pearl of the Aeolians, a corner of paradise that rises from what remains of an ancient submerged volcanic crater, whose bottom continues to sink a few millimeters each year. This fascinating island is known for attracting celebrities and jet-setters from around the world, offering a luxury retreat among dream boats and white villas with refined interiors decorated in Mediterranean colors.

Strolling along the narrow candlelit streets, Panarea reveals its irresistible charm. Summer evenings are animated by a lively atmosphere, where every corner seems to tell a story of elegance and style. Among its curiosities, it is said that the island has a strong feminine energy, visible in the grace of its houses and the sweetness of its landscapes.

An interesting detail is that Panarea has no drivable roads for cars, which adds to its timeless charm. The only forms of transportation are small electric scooters and golf carts, which move quietly along the narrow streets of this enchanted island. This helps maintain an atmosphere of peace and tranquility, away from the noise of daily life.

Known also for its marine caves and crystal-clear waters, Panarea offers unforgettable experiences such as diving and snorkeling, to explore the submerged remains of the volcanic crater. And for those who love socializing, its exclusive clubs and restaurants offer glamorous and fun-filled evenings, making every night unique and special.


The Salina Peace and Calm

The Aeolian Islands, famous for their volcanic landscape, are characterized by perfect cones, dark rocks, and a rough and rocky appearance, typical of active volcanoes. However, Salina stands out distinctly from its sisters. Not only does it host two ancient volcanic cones, but the entire island is a lush green paradise. This peculiarity earned it the ancient name of Didime, which means "twins," for the resemblance of its cones to the breasts of a woman.


Green dominates every corner of Salina: from vineyards to olive groves, to caper plants that dot the landscape. The extraordinary fertility of the island is made possible by a unique feature in the Aeolians: Salina is the only island with a source of fresh water. This natural gift makes it an ideal terrain for the production of two of its most famous specialties: capers and Malvasia wine.


In addition to its fertility, Salina boasts a unique administrative independence. It is the only island in the archipelago not part of the municipality of Lipari and is divided into three distinct municipalities: Santa Marina, Malfa, and Leni. This administrative fragmentation underscores the proud autonomous spirit of its inhabitants.

An intriguing curiosity concerns the Salina caper, known worldwide for its exceptional quality. The plant thrives thanks to the favorable microclimate and the volcanic soil rich in minerals. The caper harvest, an art passed down through generations, takes place manually during the summer months, adding a touch of tradition to the island's already picturesque landscape.



The Island with a Fiery Heart, Stromboli

Arriving at Stromboli from Panarea is like entering a postcard: the majestic volcanic cone rises from the sea, pointing towards the sky with a characteristic plume of smoke at its summit. "Iddu" (He), as the islanders affectionately call it, is the undisputed protagonist of this land of contrasts. The black of the volcanic mountain merges with the transparent azure of the sea, while the white of the houses stands out sharply against the ridge, illuminated by the red fire glows of the volcano.

In Stromboli, one lives in a unique dimension of time and space, marked by the rhythms of the volcano. Here everything revolves around "Iddu," and man adapts to this particular reality. The regular eruptions of the volcano, known as "Strombolian," are a continuous natural spectacle, making the island a natural laboratory for volcanologists from around the world.


A fascinating aspect is the "Sciara del Fuoco," a steep slope of solidified lava on which lava flows run, creating a spectacle of lights and colors visible even from the sea. The local population has developed a deep relationship with the volcano, learning to live with its unpredictability and to respect its power.


Vulcano, ed il giallo del suo zolfo

As soon as you disembark on Vulcano, the island welcomes visitors with a warm and enveloping embrace, emanating not from the sun but from the sighs of the earth itself. The characteristic smell of sulfur pervades the air, enveloping the senses in a unique experience. The land, of an intense yellow mixed with the black of its fertile volcanic surface, merges with the boiling sea and thermal muds, creating an almost infernal atmosphere. However, this same island is also a paradise of contrasts: the deep blue sea penetrates into coves, caves, and crevices with crystalline colors, lapping beaches of fine black sand.


Inside, Vulcano reveals a green heart of pastures, lush forests, and gardens that, in the areas of the port and Vulcanello, almost turn into a jungle. Here, the houses reflect the variety and disorganization of recent tourist development. Built with disparate styles and materials, these homes are the result of the tumultuous change of the last fifty years, following the closure of sulfur and alum mining, once the focus of the local economy.

An intriguing curiosity is the story of the thermal "muds" of the island. These muds, rich in beneficial minerals, are famous for their therapeutic properties. It is said that a bath in Vulcano's muds can alleviate joint pains and improve skin health. Moreover, visitors can explore the Grotta del Cavallo and the Piscina di Venere, two of the island's most spectacular natural wonders, where the sea and the land embrace in a rare beauty. Vulcano, with its contradictions and wild beauty, is a place that captures the imagination and remains etched in the hearts of those who visit it.

Haven't we convinced you yet?

Visit the Aeolian Islands by sailboat, a dream come true:

Exploring the Aeolian Islands aboard a sailboat is much more than a vacation: it's an unparalleled adventure in the heart of the Mediterranean. Imagine the wind filling the sails as you sail through the turquoise waters around Stromboli, with the smoking volcano as your backdrop. Watch the fiery red sunset over Panarea, sipping an aperitif on board. Land on Vulcano and observe its slopes tinted saffron yellow. Sail to Lipari and wander through its narrow white streets, uncovering the millennia-old history of the ancient civilizations that left their mark here.

The Aeolian Islands are not just islands; they are a world of colors, scents, and flavors that capture your heart. Pack your bags, set sail with us, and treat yourself to the unforgettable experience of sailing among the wonders of the Aeolian Islands.


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