Moka and coffee on board!

16. July, 2024
The Blue Blog

La Moka and Coffee on Board: Bringing Together Tradition and Navigation

Bringing the moka pot on board a boat is a tradition that combines the pleasure of coffee with the charm of sailing.

The moka pot, with its iconic design and ability to brew rich, aromatic coffee, is an essential for many sea enthusiasts who don't want to give up the taste of a good espresso even during their nautical adventures.

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Preparing the Moka Pot on Board

Before setting sail, it's important to choose a moka pot suitable for the size of the boat and the number of people on board. Smaller moka pots are ideal for boats with limited space, while larger ones can meet the needs of a larger crew.
Boats often have compact kitchens with stoves that can be used safely even at sea. It's essential to ensure that the cooking surface is stable and equipped with supports to prevent the moka pot from tipping over during rough seas.
Water and ground coffee should be stored in airtight containers to prevent humidity and saltiness from altering their flavor. Using airtight containers will ensure that the ingredients remain fresh and ready to use.


The Coffee Ritual at Sea

Preparing coffee on board can become a special moment of the day, a ritual that involves the crew and makes the sailing experience even more enjoyable. The smell of coffee spreading in the sea air has a refreshing effect and offers a moment of relaxation even during the most challenging days.

The ideal time to prepare coffee is during a break in onboard activities, perhaps early in the morning when the sea is calm and the sun is rising, or in the afternoon for a refreshing break.
Even on a boat, it's possible to create a cozy atmosphere to enjoy coffee. A table on the deck, a few cushions, and a breathtaking view make every cup of coffee a unique experience. Involving the crew in preparation can strengthen the sense of community and collaboration.

Tips for Traveling Abroad

When planning trips abroad, it's always advisable to bring your own moka pot from home.
This ensures you have a quality product you are familiar with, and it avoids potential difficulties in finding a suitable moka pot in places where it might not be common or easily available. Additionally, bringing your moka pot allows you to maintain a small but significant connection to your daily habits, making the journey more enjoyable and comfortable.
Moka pots found on board boats, especially those rented, are not always of good quality. They can be old, worn out, or from unknown brands that do not guarantee the same taste and aroma of coffee as when prepared with your own moka pot. Bringing your own moka pot from home ensures excellent and consistent coffee, avoiding unpleasant surprises.

Some boats are equipped with modern capsule coffee machines, offering a practical and quick solution for passengers who desire an espresso without managing the moka pot preparation. These machines are easy to use and can produce good coffee with minimal effort. However, for lovers of traditional coffee and the ritual of the moka pot, bringing their own coffee maker from home remains an irreplaceable option.

Powering the Coffee Machine

To power traditional moka pots, we will use a gas stove, for capsule coffee machines, boats will need to have autonomous energy systems like a generator or be moored in port and connected to shore power.


Safety Tips

Ensure all equipment used is safe and suitable for the marine environment. Opt for moka pots made of stainless steel or corrosion-resistant materials for excellent durability.
In rough sea conditions, it's best to avoid using stoves or other tools that could cause accidents. In such cases, opting for alternative solutions like instant coffee is advisable.

In Conclusion...

Bringing the moka pot on board a boat is not just a matter of practicality, but a true pleasure that enhances the sailing experience.
With a few precautions, you can enjoy great coffee even in the middle of the sea, making every journey even more unforgettable. And remember to bring your moka pot from home, especially when traveling abroad, as it can make the difference between an ordinary coffee and a perfect espresso. This small gesture ensures high-quality coffee, avoiding the disappointments that can come from using low-quality moka pots found on board. For those preferring a quicker solution, machines with capsules available on some boats offer a valid alternative, but nothing can replace the taste and ritual of coffee made with your own moka pot. Thanks to onboard energy systems, preparing good coffee is always possible, ensuring comfort and pleasure even away from the mainland.


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