Dealing with bad weather on a catamaran
The bad sea is the greatest fear when you are at sea, even if the chances of being caught in a storm are very remote. Every good sailor knows how and when to face the sea, modern weather systems guarantee precise and continuous bulletins. However, facing bad weather on a catamaran is certainly easier and safer than many other boats. Avoiding the rough sea is easy, but if fate wants you to find yourself in the middle, these boats offer exceptional performance. Modern catamarans are very durable, even in rough seas, and they have excellent buoyancy. The risk of a reversal is certainly poor, it can withstand sustained waves and wind. There are areas where time can change abruptly, but not to the point of surprising a boat unless you sail on ocean routes. The particular structure of the catamarans allows good navigability and maneuvering management, in addition to the fact that it can also reach a good cruising speed. Obviously the skipper needs to know his business, because if the wind was badly caught it could lift the catamaran with compromising consequences.
What to do to face bad weather on a catamaran
The psychological side is fundamental, never panic and evaluate all possible options. The first thing to do is update on the weather conditions of the route taken, taking into account the direction of the storm, the distance of the nearest port and possible escape routes. All with the necessary coldness and lucidity in these cases, panic does not help and only complicates things. When the situation is clear, the most correct strategy must be adopted to avoid the risk of finding yourself in the middle of the rough sea. Organizing the crew and passengers in a precautionary way, prevention can always prevent the worst. Every member of the crew must be ready to offer his contribution if necessary. Always wear life jackets and belts, and lock all moving objects that could be thrown into the cabin by storing them in the lockers. If the tender is in the water, hoist it on board and tie it securely to prevent it from drifting or becoming a problem on the deck. Close all the hatches and portholes to prevent the water from entering the cabin, the rain could be sudden and copious.
Precautions not to be surprised by the rough sea
Obviously all the actions and precautions must be carried out to avoid the worst and not to be caught unprepared, if you approach even the storm, the effects will be largely mitigated. The catamaran can face the rough sea but it is necessary to know its qualities but also its limits. If everything is done as it should, the chances of even discomfort will be minimal.
Most of the time the weather warnings arrive even days in advance, so the surprise effect is certainly to be excluded. In any case, every possibility must be taken into serious consideration, being ready for any bad weather, rain or rough sea is necessary.