Maldives, the paradise you expect

Maldives, the paradise you expect

12. October, 2021
The Blue Blog

Who doesn’t dream of a trip to the Maldives? Islands of breathtaking beauty, perfect destination for a holiday that combines relaxation and nature. The best way to visit this paradise is a catamaran cruise, to enjoy the sea, quiet, relaxation and nature that reigns supreme.

An unforgettable holiday between crystal clear sea, depths of rare beauty and soft white sand, which does not lose sight of the fun.

Sailing among enchanted atolls, swimming among tropical fish of all colors and seeing the coral reef is a truly incredible experience!

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From Hummalè to Fulidhoo. An itinerary through the wonders of the southern seas.

Getting to the Maldives is like entering paradise. A paradise of white sands and crystal clear waters where nature reigns supreme. The views that you can admire during navigation are truly breathtaking.

Once in Hummalè you can embark on the adventure of a lifetime!

Sailing towards the Male' South atoll you can land in Velassaru where have the first impact with the paradise on earth! Clear sea and soft white sand surround the small, luxuriant atoll. Here you can snorkel to admire the coral reef.

Not far away, reachable by a short sail, the Jumera Sand Bank is a sight for sore eyes. A white sandbank that emerges from the turquoise sea where you can snorkel, sunbathe and swim among the corals.

As a next stop you can sail to Toremaura, a small atoll where you can admire the variety of the fauna of these seas. Fish of all colors populate its waters and you can bathe among them.

Don’t miss Dolphin Lagoon, where you can experience swimming among dolphins, a real thrill!

But Maldives is not just dolphins and tropical fish! Arriving in Vasugiri you can swim among sea turtles. A real show for the eyes and an unforgettable experience! Not to mention its rich coral reef rich and populated by a colorful fauna.

Next stop, reachable with a short trip, is the atoll of Fulidhoo, famous for the breeds that populate its sea with which you can swim.

Arrivare alle Maldive è come entrare in paradiso. Un Paradiso di sabbie bianche e acque cristalline in cui la natura regna incontrastata. I panorami che si possono ammirare nel corso della navigazione sono davvero mozzafiato.

From Budhomora to Hummalè, a corner of paradise between corals and sharks.

With a sail of about 4 hours you can reach Budhomora, famous port for snorkeling. It’s a closed island inside a lagoon where you can only enter by catamaran. Its waters are full of tropical fish to admire.

The island of Thinadoo, bordered by a white beach, allows pleasant walks and an interesting exploration of its interior among the lush palm trees that come to the sea.

Don’t miss the coral reef near Alimatha, with its reefs populated by a rich and varied fauna.

But Maldives also means sharks! And for the most daring it will be possible, arrived at the South Male atoll, to experience the thrill of swimming among them!

The island of Ghulì can be easily reached from south Malè and there you can walk on the beach and dine in the typical restaurants.

Do not miss, at the end of the tour, snorkeling in the seas of Kadouiygiri, where in addition to colorful fish and manta rays you can admire the moray eels.

In short, a real paradise in which to spend a holiday immersed in nature, full of relaxation and fun.

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