Tour insurances

20. February, 2023
Traveller services

The best insurance cover for your holidays around the world: 

In collaboration with the insurance company Unipolsai Assicurazioni S.p.A., and in accordance with article no. 50 of the Italian Code of Turism (decree-law no. 79 of 23/05/2011), BeBlue has stipulated the professional civil responsibility policy no. 149357784 for a maximum coverage of € 2,065,000.00, with a specific integration for the civil and penal responsibility Professional Indemnity Insurance of the boat charter company. Moreover, it protects its travelers also in case of insolvency or bankruptcy of the Tour Operator, in accordance with the decree-law no. 62 of 21/05/2018 and the EU directive 2015/2302, by adhering to the guarantee fund of IL SALVAGENTE s.c..

To protect its travelers even more, BeBlue S.r.l. has stipulated the best insurance covers for your holidays all over the world, in partnership with Nobis Group and AXA Assistance. When the policy is inclusive, the travelers can benefit from the insurance services starting from the date of confirmation of the booking with BeBlue.

The AXA Assistance policies can be signed only by travelers who are resident in Italy and have an Italian tax code.

ERGO Group policies, instead, are for all travelers who are resident in Italy and Europe.

For any additional information, you can contact us at +39 041 86 27 010, or write an email to info@beblue.it, our experts stay at your disposal for any suggestions.


1. AXA basic insurance: Health assistance (Covid-19 excluded), medical expenses and luggage security

The AXA “basic” insurance is a group policy, included in the price of the tourist package. It can be activated only by travelers who are resident in Italy and have an Italian tax code. It is studied to offer the adequate covers depending on the destination of the trip. Assistance during the trip is guaranteed 24h by the operations center for: medical telephone consultation, call of a doctor or ambulance in case of emergency, return for health reasons and/or prolongation of the stay (Covid-19 excluded), shipment of urgent medicines, etc.

Maximal coverage for:

It is possible to read the complete excerpt of the policy by clicking here:


2. Multirisk insurance ERGO: health, travel cancellation and Covid-19

From ERGO Insurance Group’s experience comes the multirisk policy for sailing holidays, which offers a complete insurance package for carefree travelling. The policy is available during the booking process for all Italian and European resident travellers, it is activated once the deposit is received, and it operates as a guarantee for the entire amount of the purchased tourist package for all the travellers indicated at the time of booking.

Here as follows all the guarantees:

The insurance costs 7% of travel package value with an excess that varies according to the claim from a minimum of €50 to a maximum of 15% of the value of the trip. There is no excess for cancellation due to death or hospitalisation exceeding 3 days.

You can view the full policy extract by clicking here:


Insured subjects are those natural persons resident or domiciled in the EEA, below 90 years of age and indicated in the travel document.

3. AXA Tripy 360°: Health, all-risks cancellation and Covid-19 Multirisk insurance

If you want no worries but only the security of all-round coverage, choose "Tripy 360", AXA's most comprehensive policy. In fact, following a claim, it guarantees All Risk assistance: medical assistance to the person, assistance to relatives at home, at home and on the road, luggage protection (€ 1,000), travel accidents (€ 100,000), third party liability (€ 100,000), medical expenses while travelling (€ 100,000). In addition to these coverages, there is the Cover Stay guarantee to cover board and lodging expenses in the event of a medical stopover abroad and the purchase of new travel tickets for the return journey, and the 'Cancellation All Risks' cover, which protects you in the event of cancellation of your trip for any objectively documentable reason (including covid and catastrophic events).

The cost of the insurance is 8.5% of the value of the trip.
You can view the full policy extract by clicking here:


4. Columbus: Health assistance, medical expenses, luggage and cancellation cover (Covid-19 included)

The Columbus Single Trip policy offers a comprehensive insurance package including medical expenses, Covid-19 cover and trip cancellation with a limit of up to €2,000 per person (airfare and any overnight stays before and after the cruise are also insurable) with the following guarantees:

You can buy and activate the policy yourself by clicking on the following link:


Texts, translations and images Copyright © BeBlue S.r.l. - Last update: 20/02/2023

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